KaiD-Land#’s — or what do i need land-art for ?

A long, a very long way towards LandArt ..

KaiD-Land#’s — or what do i need land-art for ?

A long, a very long way towards LandArt ..

they considered it, apparently, a disciplinary measure — when she heard about it, her own diary indeed precisely manifests it, our boarding school head-teachers’ laughter attack lasted for much longer than her staff ever could have bargained for .. our teachers, her staff, had to report to her the embarrassing fact that one of them had the bright idea to teach me a strong lesson on how to fit in by ordering me to join the art-class of my older sister.

my beloved sister, she was 2 years older than me, and that time, me a stupid puberty’ish boy — unbelievable tho true : my hair some 20cm longer than her fine enormously envied brunette — was all the teachers top-favourite shining bright beauty who was amongst the last of the ‘one-sex-only-edu-class-scheme’ of our boarding school.

that day the setting thus was this : a hyper sexy super cute only-girls art-class visits a modern art museum. amongst them, just one, an uneducated, far from being even a micro-bit experienced, 14yr old much mediocre looking lad.

true, it was a day teaching me a few key lessons — tho not quite, i assume, what my perfectly underachieving teacher had in mind ..

over so many years there ever was, and still is, that crystal clear memory of my beloved sister. me next to her, at a bookshelf in the museum shop. she being far less interested in paintings, arts and such than me. all the time she was abouts educating me — her pale looking long haired lil’ brother — on how to deal and manage her super sexy classmates, and girlfriends; what to do, how to do it, what to say and more importantly what in no circumstance whatsoever not to say, how to smile, and how specific flirting processes must be followed, what such, without the slightest doubt, would strictly and firmly have to evolve to, how, in progressing, not to kiss too wet, too fast, nor too intensely, and how, to begin with, of course, not to give all away at the first gaze, and so on, and so on ..

then, suddenly, out of the blue, she points out a large book to me : ‘This exactly is were i will go to first, in Arizona !’ my princess sister declared.

landart. panorama print. heavy. very heavy, some, at least, 200kg of weight that volume. way too heavy to lift it. but of course the all-over-charming apprehensive bookkeeper had waited for this to get even closer to my sister. faster as fast can be the impressive volume was presented to us — well, to my sis, of course.

as it turned out, the bookkeeper, some 2m tall, i recall, was the shop owner. and, as we speak, these days, it is extremely hard to find a single museum in Europe they do not own a shopsite in. ‘didn’t like it at first, who would, but he turned out a fine gentleman. a nice chap who seemded to know everybody who’s ever been into arts, and fashion too. his brother was into arts too, and he did obvioulsy pretty well too — and still does : enormously well, no doubt, given his vitae with an unequaled international reputation .. i recall the photographies my sister liked a lot : places in the desert. land-art monuments i recognized much later also in Hughes’ documentary ‘Shock of the New’. then, and over all those years, and still, and at that very memorizable fabolous day with my sisters’ art-class, i asked myself over-confident and arrogantly : what is it that makes one fancy land-art if one can have it all in a few [key] museums and art galleries ?

land-art would make it even much harder to get close to my sis’ sexy all-cute girlfriends .. that put aside, on a much more serious note, the question remained, long after my beloved sis has passed away:
what do i need land-art for when i can visit all these terrific galleries and brillant art museums ? 
it is because of such.

that, finally, is my answer — which took me, again, way too long to find out. i only did very recently .. whilst walking the river Rhine bank south from Kaiserswerth to downtown Duesseldorf ..

a KaiD-Land#’s iPhone clip on YouTube ..

2017-05-22 KaiD-Land#'s #9
2017-05-22 KaiD-Land#’s #9